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Fredolf Hultgren 1884–1961

Kön: Man Levnadsålder: 77


Född1884-03-20 Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota
Brodern Aldrick B Hultgren föds (2)1886-09-25 Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota
Systern Mabel I Hultgren föds (5)1889-03-25 Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota
Brodern Theodor Agedius Hultgren dör (15)1900-02-25 Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota
Fadern Aron Andersson Hultgren dör (25)1909-07-29 Kandiyohi County, Minnesota
Modern Ingrid Andersdotter Hultgren dör (48)1932-07-31 Spicer, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota
Brodern Emmanuel Hultgren dör (58)1942-05-17 Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota
Brodern John Richard Hultgren dör (69)1953-07-28 Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Californien
Brodern Victor R Hultgren dör (≈75)1960
Brodern Aldrick B Hultgren dör (75)1960-02-14 Livermore, Almeda County, Californien
Systern Amanda Katherine Hultgren dör (77)1961-07-20 Benson, Swift County, Minnesota
Död (77)1961-11-08 Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota


Fredolf was born in Kerkhoven but the family moved to the North Shore of Green Lake and started the Space:Tepeetonka Hotel. He broke away from there and opened the Fredolf Hultgren Lodge Space:Hultgren_Lodge nearby. He was the Director of State Bank of New London, Vice President of the Green Lake State Bank, owner of the Merchants Hotel back in Kerkhoven which his sister Amanda ran and the Hultgren Cafe in Spicer. Fredolf was also a member of Orion Lodge #138 in Atwater, taking his Entered Apprentice Degree on 6/5/1930, his Fellowcraft Degree on 3/5/1931 and his Master Mason degree on 3/19/1931. He was Master of the lodge in 1938, installed into that office on 12/16/1937.

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